Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Normally, I wouldn't do this...

This is one of those iCaught videos. It is hard to watch, but so very interesting. Make sure you watch until the end. Amazing...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A star was born at gymnastics yesterday

So my toddler, Cashew (2 1/2) had her first gymnastics class yesterday. She has A TON of energy and has been a dare-devil from birth, so I knew the class would be good for her.

We got there on-time, and sat in the forming circle with the teacher. The teacher showed us the "stations" and let each kid go through the stations once before letting them just run around and do whichever station was their favorite, over and over. One of the stations was to do a somersault down a cushion wedge. Another was to walk along a line, simulating a balance beam. You get the picture.

One of the stations was a trampoline (a little shout out to Auntie A... she remembered your house and the fun trampoline!) There was another mom there with her toddler. This toddler was dressed in a full gymnastics outfit (Cashew was in just shorts and a t-shirt.) The mom asked me how long Cashew had been in gymnastics. I told her it was our first class. She then told me that her daughter had been in gymnastics since she was 13 months old. Wow, I said.

This stage mom then said to her daughter on the trampoline, "Honey, show this nice little girl how you do your drop sits." And the gymnastics girl was jumping, fell to her bottom, and then returned to her feet. Nice.

Then the stage mom said, "Honey, now show this girl how you do your knee drop." Then the gymnastics girl dropped to her knees and then quickly returned to her feet. Beautiful.

Cashew was watching closely and after the gymnastics girl finished showing off her moves, she started jumping, then dropped to her bottom, did a few log rolls all while screaming like a maniac, then did a couple of "angels in the snow" then returned to her feet. I thought she did a great job!

THEN, the gymnastics girl started imitating Cashew, much to the stage mom's horror. It was like Cashew was un-doing all the technique this girl had learned since she was 13 months old!

I was so proud. And of course, I was laughing my ass off. How seriously can you take toddler gymnastics, really?!?!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Not to rip on Mr. Nut again, but...

We had friends over for dinner last week. I set out a bowl of yogurt-covered pretzels (ok, let's face it.. they were chocolate-covered.... don't know why the co-op calls chocolate "yogurt")

After dinner, we were all clearing dishes. I handed Mr. Nut the baggie that the pretzels came in and asked him to put the pretzels back in the bag. You know, who likes stale "yogurt" covered pretzels?

The night ends... we all go to bed.... and I woke up and found this.

Who does this?!?!?

Friday, August 17, 2007

I think I am going to post more often...

Yep. I am ready to jump on this blogging bandwagon again. Who will find me?!?!?! If you are out there, please comment or drop me an email. I'd love to see if anyone even checks this blog.

Anyway - summer is almost over and I am getting ready for back to school days. Mr. Nut will be teaching again next year.... hopefully wearing his own clothes and not mine.

Vacations and fun times are over. We are ready to take on the new year. I guess.