Thursday, September 27, 2007

'S' can stand for Sorry-ass Loser

An Extra 'S' on the Report Card
Hailing a Singular Achievement, President Gets Pluralistic

By Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 27, 2007; Page A10

NEW YORK, Sept. 26 -- As a candidate, George W. Bush once asked, "Is our children learning?"

Now he has an answer.

"Childrens do learn," he said Wednesday.

The setting was, yes, an education event where the president was taking credit for rising test scores and promoting congressional renewal of his signature education law. To create the right image, the White House summoned the city's chancellor of schools, a principal, some teachers and about 20 eager students from P.S. 76. (article continued... see link above)

Seriously, I can't stand it anymore. Get this guy OUT OF HERE and let the door slam on his butt on the way out. I am over it... there are so many refreshing ideas/voices out there (aheam... Senator Obama) that it is a shame Bush is even allowed to speak.

Like Kami, I'm all about 1.20.09!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Green spots on my shirt?

And they are not from a marker or crayon or anything fun like that.

They're snot spots. From my youngest. How lovely is that?!?! You should just be lucky that I didn't take pictures and post them. Then you'd really gag on your lunch.

Having a sick baby is the worst. We have a drs appointment today at 2. I'm hoping for an antibiotic. I can tell all of this has turned into an infection of some sort. Tutu says now that I have 2 kids I can diagnose just as the doctors would.

Oh, and having a sick baby also means you get an ornery toddler to go along with the fun. So far, we've had 4 timeouts, two grab-the-cheeks-while-sayin-don't-talk-to-me-like-that, and one spank on the bottom.

Is it too early to put them to bed for the night?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rosh Hashanah dinner for the Catholics

We have a staff member of one of the political campaigns living with us for a few months... you know, she's young and probably makes little money... it's the least we can do to get our "dude" elected to the top job.

Anyway, she's Jewish. Or, as she refers to herself, a high holy day Jew. But she celebrates Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year. She made an entire meal for all of our friends and her campaign co-workers. It was AMAZING. We said all of the prayers, broke the bread, drank the wine and dipped the apples in honey. We ate brisket, matza ball soup, carrots and raisins, and bread. All of it was so wonderful. Not one of us was Jewish, but it was so great celebrating her holiday with her. My kids helped her cook... ok, just the oldest, but she enjoyed all the mixing that went into the matza balls!

It was just a fun night, with good food and great company.