Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rosh Hashanah dinner for the Catholics

We have a staff member of one of the political campaigns living with us for a few months... you know, she's young and probably makes little money... it's the least we can do to get our "dude" elected to the top job.

Anyway, she's Jewish. Or, as she refers to herself, a high holy day Jew. But she celebrates Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year. She made an entire meal for all of our friends and her campaign co-workers. It was AMAZING. We said all of the prayers, broke the bread, drank the wine and dipped the apples in honey. We ate brisket, matza ball soup, carrots and raisins, and bread. All of it was so wonderful. Not one of us was Jewish, but it was so great celebrating her holiday with her. My kids helped her cook... ok, just the oldest, but she enjoyed all the mixing that went into the matza balls!

It was just a fun night, with good food and great company.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

it sounds like it. How cool and what a great experience for your kids.

Anonymous said...

La Chaim

B as u r said...

It is great to step out of your "regular" and do something so different every now and then. I bet she was so delighted to share her faith with you. Way to go.