Saturday, December 29, 2007

Too much

I don't really have anywhere else to gripe...

My kids are swimming in Christmas gifts. They have more than they even realize. Some gifts haven't even been taken out of the packages yet. And I don't plan to until the heat of summer is so bad we have to spend time indoors just to cool off a bit.

We have 3 large baskets of toys in our living room, and then a toy chest/corner in our basement. Everything is overflowing, and we haven't even added in the "new ones" yet.

So I called a friend who runs a daycare for homeless families and am taking everything that is currently in our baskets to the daycare. They can keep the toys there or send them on with a family... I don't care. My kids have too much and I am afraid they will "expect" it for each holiday before they even realize what they are doing.

Surely there are a lot of families experiencing this... maybe I am overreacting. I haven't heard many of my peers talk about "how much" their kids received this year. Now, to put it in perspective, our kids are the only grandkids on BOTH sides of our families. Neither my nor Mr. Nut's siblings have kids, so ours are showered with attention and gifts. I am not complaining about how much everyone loves them, because it is quite a joy to see so many family members make our kids the center of their holiday. I just don't want my kids to think they should be the center of everyone's holiday, you know?

Enough complaining about "having too much" from me. Gag - I sound like the upper/middle class housewife who complains because she has 17 sets of queen-sized sheets and "only" 4 beds.

I'll quit now. But just for fun, below is Cashew playing with bubble wrap. Her favorite gift of all...


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

they look like they enjoyed their holiday.

The packaging is always the most fun for kids anyway!

Anonymous said...

Since you bring up gifts, how do the girls like their new curtains?
Sorry, had to get that in.

Anonymous said...

The girls do look like they are having fun. It is nice of you to brighten the season for a family that isn't as fortunate. Are the curtains hand made that Tutu is talking about?